Friday, December 12, 2008

Michael Faraday

Imagine a world without backup electricity after a hurricane just hit where it is hot, people cannot talk on their house phone, go on the internet, and everything in your refrigerator is going to go bad.

The generator is one of the most used inventions after a’ hurricane hits or for any other reason like on the country side there could be a dust tornado that cuts off people’s power. In the early 1700 and 1800’s people found out how to use electricity. When tragic events occurred and the power went out, they had no idea that they could generate power into their outlets. Therefore, when these events happened they had to wait weeks even months until they got their power back. These people were going around their houses unable to find things they were looking for because it was dark. To make things worse they had no cool air so it was very hot depending on where the tragic event took place.

That was before the invention of the generator, invented by Michael Faraday. The generator has affected history greatly because it can produce electricity when all other electrical circuits are damaged or are unavailable. Michael Faraday, the inventor of the generator, was an intelligent inventor. The generator also helps many citizens when there is a war and they destroyed all power stations useful to citizens. Michael Faraday’s field of science was chemistry and physics. He spent his professional career at the laboratory of the Royal Institution in London (1813-1862). Where he had studied and created this useful invention.

Although Faraday had little formal education, he knew higher mathematics such as calculus. Michael Faraday has his own unit of measurement named after him called a Faraday. It is the amount of electricity measured during electrolysis which is, the process Faraday used to get electricity, to find out how his creation actually worked he is also known for his experiments in electricity and magnetism. Faraday studied the magnetic field, and established the starting point for the magnetic field concept in physics. He established that magnetism could affect rays of light and that there was a relationship between the two things.

It was largely due to Faraday’s inventions of rotary devices that electricity became useful for technology. Faraday’s invention of the generator changed history forever it was and still is one of the most fascinating inventions ever created. His creation helped shape the future for all humanity.

After his invention things changed for many people worldwide. People now have backup electricity for when tragic or non-tragic events occur. Therefore, people have twice the amount of electricity for their homes. If any thing did happen they would be ready at hospitals to turn the power right back on to finish helping the sick patients. Faraday’s invention can help anyone anywhere if they have electrical outlets to regenerate their power.

People should consider this invention good because it helps people worldwide that are in need of electricity. It would also be useful for utilities that need power to keep things good and fresh like a refrigerator. It needs power to keep food from going bad faster.